Marine Control Tower

March 1, 2014

  1. Concept:
    he design is the meeting point of several factors all of which had to, necessarily, be taken into account: the designer intended to resurrect the glory of the Ancient Persia through symbolic and mythological connotations, the structure had to express an idea of the sea and its infinite existence, and it had to express the man-nature/sea conflict, and remain unique as well as expressing its unprecedentedness and still avoid being restricted to any of them and remain highly suggestive of other symbolic interpretations.” Assaluyeh Marine control Tower is in front of the biggest Gas ports of the world and is supposed to remind us of the glory of the ancient Persia. The combination of architecture and structure and the use of glass and concrete has given it a pure and strong personality; the two stony official floors are built on the ground floor and the control area is located on the tower like a majestic crown on a height of 44 meters joined together with cycloid columns; this makes the Assaluyeh marine control tower different and unique among all marine and aerial control towers in the world. Assaluyeh Marine Control Tower Competition was a Competition by Iran Ports & Maritime Organization.
    The main points in this project are:
  2. The domestic architecture and usual Wind wards of Persian gulf Strip
  3. Ancient Architecture of Persia with Columns and capitals like Perspolis.
  4.  Continental Architecture, using shadows and Shades on glasses. Monumental Design.
  5. Avoid T shape Form of usual Control Towers.