Beautification of the entrance axes of Shahid Rajaei port complex



Ports and Maritime Organization of Hormozgan



Date of design / Cooperation



120000 m2


Ports along with airports are the most important entry points for countries and Shahid Rajaei port is certainly the most important port in Iran. The plan of organizing, improving and beautifying the entrance of Shahid Rajaei port by repairing the passages, repairing the defects, providing the infrastructure and decorating the spaces is a symbol of the Iranian culture of hospitality and in addition to meeting the needs of the clients, has a lasting effect on the minds of domestic guests. Foreigners leave. In such a way that it not only survives from rival ports in other countries, but also seeks superiority over them.

But what distinguishes the present design from other designs is the approach of paying attention to beautifying the environment along with providing technical and functional issues, which include the following programs;

Landscaping on both sides of the road with a unique design and cheap local materials will show the feeling of waves and water.
Conversion of each of the non-coplanar intersection circles of Shahid Rajaei town into a garden according to the cooling system
The use of a tent structure with a unique design over the non-coplanar intersection that conveys a sense of sail and ship and emphasizes the non-coplanar intersection as the starting point of Shahid Rajaei Special Economic Zone.
The tiling design of the bridge body with designs related to port operations, which will show the general introduction of the port activity on beautification.
Beautiful and special paintings to commemorate the martyrs in the Martyrs’ Garden designed at the side of the road with a symbolic and lasting design
Special statues designed using familiar port elements such as containers along the route
Sculptures designed with the idea of ​​lanyards and familiar naval elements
Advertising billboards with a symbolic and unique design that will be specific to Shahid Rajaei port and will have an effect far beyond the simple, repetitive and purely structural volumes of ordinary billboards.

But in the end, planting a dense and designed green space that will spread like a green carpet and not a red carpet at the entrance will welcome and chase away guests.
